Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Merry Christmas from the Wicks.

It's December now, so I can officially say it... Happy Holidays! I have to admit, it's been Christmas in the Wick home for about 2 weeks now. I guess I was a little eager to decorate! My mother-in-law was sweet enough to let me borrow a TON of her decorations, and I went slightly nuts with it. As my husband says, it's "all kinds of Christmas up in our house". I love it!

Speaking of holidays, Thanksgiving was such a treat this year! We spent Thanksgiving day at my parents house eating delicious food (minus the turkey for me! :P), catching up with extended family, relaxing, and eating some more. All that food must have gone to our heads because later that night my sister, mom, and I decided to go out and brave the Black Friday crowds for the first (and probably last) time. We were in shock over how many people actually stand in line for hours for one item. I treated myself to a few things I've had my eye on (the Kindle Fire - woo!), Kendall got Adleigh her first baby doll, and my mom got some things for herself too. All in all, it was a wonderful day I'll never forget. The Saturday following Thanksgiving, Tyler and I traveled down to his birthplace - Booker, Texas - and spent the weekend with his family. They are such a crowd! We stuffed ourselves silly, laughed until it hurt, and just enjoyed spending some much needed "McQuitty time". It was so neat to finally see where my husband and all his family came from. There's not much to Booker, but it was still fun having Tyler take me on the tour of the town...we drove down one street and it was over! :)

Now I am just focusing on keeping my sanity while the craziness of the holiday season picks up, and the fall semester winds down. It's hard to believe that 2011 is already coming to an end. In the last year I've gotten married, moved in with my husband, changed majors (again!), witnessed the birth of my adorable niece, switched jobs, and so much more.

I'm certainly excited to see what 2012 will hold...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Coffee challenge.

As a 'hardcore' coffee drinker from the majority of my teens to now, it never occurred to me that it was truly bad for me. Of course, I remember the schpiel they'd always give us in school. Yeah, yeah...caffeine's a drug...addiction...blah blah. I'd always think, "Ease up people, I'm drinking a cup of french vanilla with 2 sugars, not smoking crack."

Realistically though, when most of us coffee drinkers REALLY think about it... could you go a morning without coffee and/or caffeine of any sort? A day? A week? I would have scoffed at the idea! But... as you may know from my last post, I am all about educating myself on the effects of the foods/liquids I choose to put into my body. Too many of us just eat and drink things knowing full well they are bad for us, but would probably opt out of drinking/eating those foods if we knew just HOW bad they are.

I'll spare you the gory details of what long term caffeine use does to your innards, but I started weaning myself off of coffee last week. First my usual, tons of coffee all day every day, then less, and even less, and even less. I am now on day #5 of being coffee/caffeine free!

I won't lie and say it's easy. The headaches alone are enough to make someone break down. Surprisingly,  a lot of my difficulty is breaking my mental addiction to it. I have my mind trained to tell my body that I can't function without it, that I NEED it. It's craziness.

My point of all of this? Just try it! Put away the Mr. Coffee and set down the Diet Coke. Give it at least a week. I think you'll find at the end of the 7 days, you don't really NEED it like you think you do. Your innards will thank you! :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

The start of something new.

If you know me at all, you know there's nothing I love more than starting a new project. However, on the same token, I'm also kind of famous for losing interest quickly.You know the story... I'll get super excited about something, start it, then the ADD kicks in... and eventually I lose interest all together and I'm on the next big thing. Meh... it is what it is.

With all of that being said, I've found my latest project - and I've already taken a personal vow not to allow this one to end up like the rest. Why? Because it directly effects my health and longevity of life... and that's a pretty darn good reason to stick to something, if you ask me. What is my big undertaking, you ask? I am now officially a vegetarian. Now, I'm fully aware of the stigma that surrounds vegetarianism, and all I can say is this: I'm doing it for my own personal, healthful-minded reasons. It's something that I've been considering for a few months now. Meat just didn't appeal to me like it used to. One day while bored at work, I decided to watch a documentary. I randomly chose 'Food, Inc.' and... wow! Talk about an eye opening experience. I won't preach on it here, but if you eat food and live in America YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS FILM. After that, I started doing more research and found another documentary supporting an entirely plant-based, whole foods diet called, 'Forks Over Knives.' It was all over from there. My decision was made, and I was off to the grocery store!

It's been a little over one week since I've eaten meat, and I have to say... I feel fantastic. Also, a few weeks ago I stopped eating dairy, minus the occasional cheese here and there. In addition, I've cut out all refined sugar and I'm even in the process of giving up the one thing I said I NEVER would: coffee. GASP! All of these dietary changes has made me significantly more energetic, which allows me to work out more often. Yay!

I won't lie and say it's been easy so far. To completely change your mindset about the food you've been eating for the last 23 years is pretty difficult. Also, vegetarianism requires a lot more cooking....which as you all know from my last post, is not my strong suite - YET. The fun thing is, neither Tyler or I have cooked with a lot of the stuff veggie recipes call for... so we are learning together!

All in all, it's a life change I am really excited about both for myself, and to share with those I love. I've even got a few friends to jump on board with me so far! Again, I encourage everyone to watch Food, Inc if you haven't already. And if you find yourself intrigued with the idea of a plant-based diet, then certainly watch Forks Over Knives.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

The crock pot... a busy wife's best friend.

I'm just going to say it. I am a terrible cook.

Well, not necessarily terrible in the sense that I can't make mac and cheese (although I have messed it up before!), but terrible like I really have no clue what I'm doing. And just to clear the air, this is not for my mom's lack of trying. For years, my mom would call me into the kitchen while she made dinner to try to involve me and give me at least a small idea of what was involved with cooking a meal. And in my teenage-ness, I would roll my eyes, tell her this is stupid, and go watch TV. My mom being right in the end...imagine that!

Luckily, I am blessed with a husband who not only knows what he's doing, but loves to cook and experiment with new foods and recipes. While I don't think I will ever quite share his enthusiasm, after almost 8 months of marriage it's starting to hit me - I need to learn to cook and I need to learn to like it. But, what's a busy wife with 2 jobs and a full college course load to do? Enter the greatest invention ever made... the crock pot! Why I am just now discovering this amazing little guy is mystery, but I digress. Putting a bunch of food inside a pot, leaving for work, and coming home to an incredible smelling house and dinner is ready to serve? Yeah, that's MY kind of cooking!

Here's the recipe I'm trying today... http://thelarsonlingo.blogspot.com/2011/05/easiest-dinner-ever.html. Yum, right?!

So fellow wives, what are some of your favorite crock pot recipes? Tips? Comments? Feel free to share!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Little moments.

Just one of the many, many reasons that I love being a newlywed are the little 'moments'. I can't exactly describe them, but they are usually something small, silly and unexpected, and give me a ooey-gooey feeling inside. Picture 'The Elf'... "I'm in love, I'm in love, and I DON'T CARE WHO KNOWS IT!"

For example, I was in the kitchen unloading dishes one day and overheard Tyler talking on the phone to someone. The only piece of the conversation I heard was, "...my wife...blah blah blah." Instant huge smile! As cheesy as it is, I don't think I will EVER tire of hearing the man I love most in this world call me his wife. Hands down, one of my favorite little 'moments'.

A more recent moment I had... thinking about the fact that we are about to experience our first holiday season as a married couple. Woo-hoo! Admittedly, by December of last year (less than 2 months til the wedding), I was less than filled with the holiday spirit. Wedding planning, cake tastings, meetings with vendors, RSVPs, and stress had taken over my every thought. Needless to say, I am pretty excited knowing the most stressful thing this holiday season will be what dish to bring to the Burd family Christmas. Yikes! :P

Saturday, August 20, 2011


As I sit just a couple of days away from starting yet another semester in college, mere weeks away from a new season (fall... yay!), and a handful of months from beginning a new year (eeks!) ... I find myself wanting to start anew and take the opportunity to make some changes. I have a tendency to say a lot of , "I wish I would...", or "I'm going to start...", but nothing ever really comes of it. I, along with most of my other fellow nerds, LOVE lists so... here you go. Hopefully, this will keep me more accountable. I'll call it...

"The Things I Want To Work on and Change About Me and/or My Life in General List"

  • Reading - I want to read more. Or more honestly, make the time to read more. Reading used to be one of my all time favorite past-times. It saddens me that it's fallen to the wayside because of things like Facebook, or zoning out in front of the TV. Time to dust off the ol' Kindle...good book suggestions, anyone?
  • Fitness - I know, I know. Even I'm sick of hearing myself say, "I'm going to start working out... next week." It's time to make hitting the treadmill a priority. Between working two jobs, going to school full time, and keeping our dirty laundry at a reasonable level, I know I need to be realistic about how much gym time I'll actually be able to commit. But hey, I'm willing to try...and something is better than the nothing I'm currently looking at!
  • Quality time - Be it a pedicure with my sister, coffee with my mom, a walk in the park with my husband... I need it. Sometimes I feel like the daily stresses and worries of life robs me of the simple pleasure of just enjoying a loved ones company. Definitely working on this.
There's more, but that's all that's coming to my mind at the moment. What changes do you think you could make in your life...for the better?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ups and downs.


Three months ago, my trusty ol' Macbook (that I've had for almost 6 years... *tear*) decided it was time to go to Apple heaven. Left with only my iPad, it was difficult to keep up with my oh-so-important social networking AND blogging. Nevertheless, I am back in action...just in time to update on life's happenings.

My niece, Adleigh, was born May 31st, 2011 at a whopping 9 pounds, 6 ounces! My mom and I got the opportunity to be in the delivery room and I have to say - it was, BY FAR, the most amazing thing I've experienced to date. Being her aunt is already so much fun, and my parents are having a blast spoiling her rotten. One thing is for sure though: Adleigh has certainly cured my 'baby fever'! I knew babies were hard work but...holy moly! Tyler and I both agree, we're juuuust fine being the loving aunt and uncle for a while...a long while! :)

As for college, I changed my major...again. It's been a long, angst-filled road but I finally feel like I'm on the path I need to be. Let me just say, PtL for amazingly supportive husbands. Tyler has been such a trooper through my constant self-doubt...and when I threw my 'poor me pity parties' he refused to attend, lol. To be honest, I am still unsure of where my career path will take me, but I do know that it's entirely in His hands...and really, what else is there to know?

Married life is just as great as ever! Tyler and the rest of Team Oklahoma will be competing in the 'State Wars' hockey tournament in Cincinnati, OH next week... which happens to land on our 6th month wedding anniversary! So myself, Tyler, my brother-in-law, and his girlfriend will be piling in the car for a mini-vacation for a few days. Granted, it's not Cancun but we are still grateful for the chance to get away and have a little fun outside of Oklahoma!

On a super mushy-gooshy note...we are just stinkin' blessed - for lack of better wording! It's such a wonderful feeling, living every day with my best friend by my side, filled with the love of our families and friends. That's not saying that we don't have our ups and downs, but getting through those 'downs' make the 'ups' so, so worth it.

Friday, April 15, 2011

All aboard the Grown Up Express!

What to blog, what to blog... to be honest, the biggest reason I don't update more often is because I can never decide on just one thing to share. Every day seems to bring a new dynamic to my/our lives - but I'm definitely not complaining.

Random thought: I suspect there must be some strange time warp that engages when you get married. Tyler and I are creeping up on our three month anniversary of being married. THREE MONTHS! It cracks me up that three months when we were engaged may as well have been three years. But three months as newlyweds... truly a blink of an eye! Not long ago, Tyler's company asked him to go to Branson to work for about 5 days - that was a really rough week for us! I was surprised at how empty my days felt knowing I wasn't going to see him when I got home. During that week, I gained a tremendous amount of respect for those who are married to deployed men/women and have to go long periods of time without seeing them. It was truly a test for us both, and a nice reminder how blessed we are to be able to see and speak to each other daily.

In other news, Kendall - my sister - is about 5 weeks from her due date! A name has finally been decided, which has made it that much more exciting: Adleigh Grace Huerta. We are all so anxious to meet her... and let's face it, excited to spoil her rotten.

I keep having these random "whoa moments". Moments where reality suddenly hits how much things have changed/are still changing... and it's exciting and scary and overwhelming and awesome. Actually, this may be that 'growing up' thing my parents always talked about...and I have to say, I don't hate it. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm having a pity party - and you're invited!

It's been no secret - well, not to me or my husband, at least - that lately I've been in a funk.

While I try my hardest to keep this blog generally light-hearted and upbeat, I have to break that mold for one post. I know that nobody likes to read the "poor, pitiful me" blogs or Facebook status updates - myself included! But, please bare with me while I throw myself a small pity party, so hopefully I can move on from this.


What is 'it', you ask? Life! Plans. College... why does it seem like everyone was handed the blueprints of how their lives were supposed to go, while I'm stuck trying to figure it out for myself? Normally, I would never be this concerned about what others are doing but it's somewhat impossible to notice at this point. From technical school programs, missionary work, Bachelors degrees, and graduate school... a lot of my friends/acquaintances have found their calling. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for them! So happy, and so very envious.

I have the motivation. I have the drive to do something amazing with my life and also love what I do...I just have no clue what that 'something' is, and it's starting to take a toll on me. I feel hopeless, and depressed... and mainly, a failure.

Amidst all of this negativity, the only things that keep me going are my wonderfully loving family, my supportive husband, and the fact that none of this is actually up to ME. It's all in His hands. He knows my way, and I have to trust that - even though it's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Okay, pity party over. :P

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Newlywed 9

The dreaded 'newlywed 9'... even if you're not married, I'm sure you're familiar with it. Essentially, it's pointless weight gain resulting from being newly married, happy, and most likely extremely busy adjusting to a new married life - whatever that may entail!

Tyler and I are creeping up on almost 1 month of marriage (crazy!), and I have to admit: we are already experiencing this phenomenon first hand. This is not at all what I expected! We are eating out more now than we ever have when we dated, be it fast food or actually going to a restaurant. After a long day of class and work, the thought of going to the grocery store and then actually COOKING the food is absolutely out of the question. Now, the food that used to make my stomach turn at just the thought of it, is much faster and easier and thus, way more appealing. Also, all of the leftover candy from the candy buffet at the wedding isn't helping matters either - I am legitimately addicted to giant pixy sticks now. I realized things were REALLY bad when I couldn't stop craving and thinking about oreos dipped in peanut butter in the middle of Macroeconomics. Terrible, terrible, terrible!

However, my breaking point was yesterday while getting ready for work. A pair of pants that were almost 4 sizes too big for me last summer zipped up and fit me perfectly - oh hello there, reality check!

I am stopping this madness. Time to make eating healthier and exercising a priority...before the newlywed 9 turns into the newlywed 90. Operation Married-But-Still-Want-To-Look-And-Feel-Good begins...today! :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Time I Locked My Keys in the Car...sort of.

Firstly, let me just say that this is not a story I am particularly excited to share with the world, but it's just too ridiculous not to! After all, what can we do if not laugh at ourselves?

Last night, after a lazy afternoon of laying on the couch watching our shows, Tyler and I went out for dinner. As we were pulling into the driveway upon returning, I realized that the following day was trash day. We got out of my car, and admittedly, I started instructing Tyler how to properly put the trash by the curb. (Sidenote: In my defense, we got a 'stern' letter from the trash man last week because we supposedly did it wrong. Who knew?!) We finally agreed on the way the trash can is supposed to be, and started to head inside...and that's when I realized. Where are my keys? Check the inside of my purse, nope. Check my pockets, nope. Check the ground, nope.

"Tyler, do you have my keys?"
"Um. I don't have my keys...they must be in be in my car. And I locked it..."

...and so began the night! Not having ANY spare keys + being poor newlyweds and being unable to pay for a locksmith = Tyler Google's "How to Break Into a Car", while I began making all the frantic phone calls: to my parents, to my brother-in-law, to my friend who's husband is a sheriff deputy, to another friend who works at a local car dealer; anyone that we thought would know what to do. Within 10 minutes, our friends Nick and Kristi Score arrived and attempted the ol' coat hanger maneuver. Soon after, my sister and brother-in-law showed up to try their hand at it. Over an hour passed, and I walked inside the house feeling embarrassed, and terrible for taking up our friends free time on a Sunday night. I moved my purse to sit down on the couch and heard a tiny metal 'clink'. Odd, since I had dumped everything out of it earlier - just to make sure my keys were for SURE not in there. Then it dawned on me. THE SIDE POCKET!

Yes, sure enough...my keys were in there. I was distracted with the trash can, and put them in a place in my purse that I NEVER put them, thus I didn't even think to look there in my panic. Long story short: I have the greatest friends, family, and husband I could ever ask for. Yes, I received PLENTY of grief for it that night and probably always will, but nobody was genuinely mad - and if they were, I certainly don't blame them. I'm just going to file that experience under, "Things Nobody Will Ever Let Me Live Down", and just take it with a smile!

After everyone left, I told Tyler it was all just a test to see how much he loved me...FYI: he passed with flying colors! :P

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Married...and LOVING it.

Greetings from Mrs. Tyler Wick! :)

WHEW. That pretty much sums up the last two weeks! I knew I would be busy, but holy moly! Unfortunately, this entry would be miles long if I tried to sum up everything that went on, so I will just leave it at... I'm so stinkin' happy to finally be married!

The wedding was amazing. We had a few minor glitches, but generally, all of my stresses and worries about the weather and other things were in vain...thank goodness! We had an incredible time, and I hope that all of our guests did as well. As hard as I tried to 'take everything in', there were several things I barely had a chance to see, if at all. For example, our cake. I barely looked at it all night, other than when we were cutting it...and at that point I was focusing on Tyler and making sure he didn't make the entire thing topple over, lol. So needless to say, I am (im)patiently waiting for our pictures to come back from the photographer to see all the little details I was too hurried to notice. All in all, it was just as I imagined it. There was plenty of laughing, plenty of (happy) crying, and there was sooo much DANCING! It was perfectly 'us'.

As for married life... have I mentioned that I love it? It's so nice to finally have a home we can call OURS. Waking up next to him every morning is the greatest thing. Also, experiencing all the funny little things about being newlyweds together is so fun. Example? Us trying to take a frozen pizza out of the oven with a bath towel because we didn't have oven mitts. And then attempting to cut said pizza with a knife...because we didn't have a pizza cutter! It's just one crazy situation after another - and I have to say, it's awesome. We are definitely cracking our families up with our stories of figuring out life together.

This is the reason I created this blog: to remember and savor these sweet moments...because I have no doubt that there are many, many more to come. :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow, snow, snow...and more snow!

Holy blizzard, Batman!

Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you're aware of the blizzard that has pounded much of the United States over the last week - Oklahoma included! Now, we are used to 2-3 inches of snow, maybe 6 inches when it's 'really bad'. Tuesday of this week our dear state was pounded with craziness such as "thunder snow", and my lovely hometown of Owasso received a whopping 21 INCHES! Needless to say, schools have been canceled, cars are completely buried...life has come to a schreeching halt for just about everyone. Tyler and I were lucky enough to take cover in our warm little house, and spent the better part of Tuesday and Wednesday watching old episodes of The Office, cooking, talking, and just relaxing. But now it is Friday, with more snow being predicted for today, and I think I might be losing it! Cabin fever is no joke.

As for the wedding....it is one week from tomorrow. Admittedly, I'm beginning to feel like everything is falling apart. Our photographer is turning out to be less than reliable, the roof collapsed (due to snow) on the building we are having our rehearsal dinner, the place we purchased my dress and the bridesmaids dresses has made several mistakes I hope can be fixed before next Friday, and now I have a bridesmaid who is possibly not even going to come to the weddding at all. Oh, and my poor future mother in law's pipes burst in her house yesterday, so now she is scrambling to get that fixed before next week when Tyler's entire family comes from Texas to stay with her for the wedding. Truly, it's been one thing after another!

I am trying my hardest not to lose heart. All of those things are 100% out of my control, and although it's extremely stressful, I have to trust it'll all work out like it's supposed to. It's just extremely sad to see the thing we (my mom, Tyler, and I) have worked so hard to plan and put together fall apart in a matter of days. I'm still getting married next week regardless, and that's enough reason for me to smile. :)

Hope everyone is staying safe and warm!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Wedding, school, house, and other insanity.

Well folks, I've got some news...

My sister is having a baby GIRL! Let me just say...I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Of course, I would have been completely overjoyed just the same had it been a boy but... a girl! My own adorable, precious little niece. We're all so excited, it's been a very long time since we've had a baby in the family. One thing is for sure, an incessant amount of frilly dresses, huge hair bows, and general spoiled rotten-ness is in her future. :)

Other random, less awesome but still exciting stuff: I am finally beginning to see the light at the end of the wedding planning tunnel! Things are starting to come together, and now we're just crossing our T's and dotting our I's. We've had an incredible response as far as the RSVP's go - it's so heartwarming that so many people want to be a part of our special day! Also, my bachelorette party is in a few weeks, which is going to be a lot of fun. In addition, my Aunt Carma and Aunt Georgia were nice enough to plan to throw me a bridal shower, which will be the Sunday before the wedding. Not to mention the generosity of our amazing parents! Delaine, my (almost) mother in law, bought us an incredible front-loading washer and dryer set for our wedding gift - which was much needed! My parents got us a new refrigerator that matches the rest of our appliances. It goes without saying, but Tyler and I are definitely feeling the love! Tyler is due to move into our alllllmost completed house sometime within the week. Pictures of the house - the good, the bad, and the ugly - will be posted very soon!

Meanwhile, tomorrow marks the first day of the Spring 2011 semester. I have a weird mix of excitement, dread, optimism, and fear... which I realize makes zero sense! It's a little daunting to think I'm enrolled in the most classes I've ever taken, on top of the most difficult classes I've ever taken, on top of getting married and moving houses halfway through it all. BUT...I know that I can do it. The difficult part is going to be getting my brain to focus on school when I'm at school, work when I'm at work, and day dream about my impending wedding day on my free time. But we'll see how that goes... :P