Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The start of something new.

If you know me at all, you know there's nothing I love more than starting a new project. However, on the same token, I'm also kind of famous for losing interest quickly.You know the story... I'll get super excited about something, start it, then the ADD kicks in... and eventually I lose interest all together and I'm on the next big thing. Meh... it is what it is.

With all of that being said, I've found my latest project - and I've already taken a personal vow not to allow this one to end up like the rest. Why? Because it directly effects my health and longevity of life... and that's a pretty darn good reason to stick to something, if you ask me. What is my big undertaking, you ask? I am now officially a vegetarian. Now, I'm fully aware of the stigma that surrounds vegetarianism, and all I can say is this: I'm doing it for my own personal, healthful-minded reasons. It's something that I've been considering for a few months now. Meat just didn't appeal to me like it used to. One day while bored at work, I decided to watch a documentary. I randomly chose 'Food, Inc.' and... wow! Talk about an eye opening experience. I won't preach on it here, but if you eat food and live in America YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS FILM. After that, I started doing more research and found another documentary supporting an entirely plant-based, whole foods diet called, 'Forks Over Knives.' It was all over from there. My decision was made, and I was off to the grocery store!

It's been a little over one week since I've eaten meat, and I have to say... I feel fantastic. Also, a few weeks ago I stopped eating dairy, minus the occasional cheese here and there. In addition, I've cut out all refined sugar and I'm even in the process of giving up the one thing I said I NEVER would: coffee. GASP! All of these dietary changes has made me significantly more energetic, which allows me to work out more often. Yay!

I won't lie and say it's been easy so far. To completely change your mindset about the food you've been eating for the last 23 years is pretty difficult. Also, vegetarianism requires a lot more cooking....which as you all know from my last post, is not my strong suite - YET. The fun thing is, neither Tyler or I have cooked with a lot of the stuff veggie recipes call for... so we are learning together!

All in all, it's a life change I am really excited about both for myself, and to share with those I love. I've even got a few friends to jump on board with me so far! Again, I encourage everyone to watch Food, Inc if you haven't already. And if you find yourself intrigued with the idea of a plant-based diet, then certainly watch Forks Over Knives.


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