Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Married...and LOVING it.

Greetings from Mrs. Tyler Wick! :)

WHEW. That pretty much sums up the last two weeks! I knew I would be busy, but holy moly! Unfortunately, this entry would be miles long if I tried to sum up everything that went on, so I will just leave it at... I'm so stinkin' happy to finally be married!

The wedding was amazing. We had a few minor glitches, but generally, all of my stresses and worries about the weather and other things were in vain...thank goodness! We had an incredible time, and I hope that all of our guests did as well. As hard as I tried to 'take everything in', there were several things I barely had a chance to see, if at all. For example, our cake. I barely looked at it all night, other than when we were cutting it...and at that point I was focusing on Tyler and making sure he didn't make the entire thing topple over, lol. So needless to say, I am (im)patiently waiting for our pictures to come back from the photographer to see all the little details I was too hurried to notice. All in all, it was just as I imagined it. There was plenty of laughing, plenty of (happy) crying, and there was sooo much DANCING! It was perfectly 'us'.

As for married life... have I mentioned that I love it? It's so nice to finally have a home we can call OURS. Waking up next to him every morning is the greatest thing. Also, experiencing all the funny little things about being newlyweds together is so fun. Example? Us trying to take a frozen pizza out of the oven with a bath towel because we didn't have oven mitts. And then attempting to cut said pizza with a knife...because we didn't have a pizza cutter! It's just one crazy situation after another - and I have to say, it's awesome. We are definitely cracking our families up with our stories of figuring out life together.

This is the reason I created this blog: to remember and savor these sweet moments...because I have no doubt that there are many, many more to come. :)


  1. I'm SO happy that you're so happy! Married life just gets better and better. I can't wait to keep reading your blog. Clay and I had our own similar situations like you and Tyler did with the pizza right after the wedding. Like me getting ready to cook and realizing we'd never gotten any pots or pans aside from a couple of casserole dishes. Or realizing we had no plunger (it was after midnight too, thank goodness for Reasor's).
    I didn't cry at my wedding until AFTER we were married. I was so giddy happy that all I could do was bounce and giggle and smile. Then after the "I do"s they took Clay and I off to another room while they moved the guests to the reception so we could come back and do pictures. Suddenly when it was just the two of us I start crying happy tears like crazy cause it finally set in.
    Waking up next to your hubby every morning and going to bed next to him every night are the best things in my opinion. Just that joyful daily reminder that you'll never be alone again and you'll always be loved!

  2. congratulations!!!!!
