Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow, snow, snow...and more snow!

Holy blizzard, Batman!

Unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you're aware of the blizzard that has pounded much of the United States over the last week - Oklahoma included! Now, we are used to 2-3 inches of snow, maybe 6 inches when it's 'really bad'. Tuesday of this week our dear state was pounded with craziness such as "thunder snow", and my lovely hometown of Owasso received a whopping 21 INCHES! Needless to say, schools have been canceled, cars are completely buried...life has come to a schreeching halt for just about everyone. Tyler and I were lucky enough to take cover in our warm little house, and spent the better part of Tuesday and Wednesday watching old episodes of The Office, cooking, talking, and just relaxing. But now it is Friday, with more snow being predicted for today, and I think I might be losing it! Cabin fever is no joke.

As for the wedding....it is one week from tomorrow. Admittedly, I'm beginning to feel like everything is falling apart. Our photographer is turning out to be less than reliable, the roof collapsed (due to snow) on the building we are having our rehearsal dinner, the place we purchased my dress and the bridesmaids dresses has made several mistakes I hope can be fixed before next Friday, and now I have a bridesmaid who is possibly not even going to come to the weddding at all. Oh, and my poor future mother in law's pipes burst in her house yesterday, so now she is scrambling to get that fixed before next week when Tyler's entire family comes from Texas to stay with her for the wedding. Truly, it's been one thing after another!

I am trying my hardest not to lose heart. All of those things are 100% out of my control, and although it's extremely stressful, I have to trust it'll all work out like it's supposed to. It's just extremely sad to see the thing we (my mom, Tyler, and I) have worked so hard to plan and put together fall apart in a matter of days. I'm still getting married next week regardless, and that's enough reason for me to smile. :)

Hope everyone is staying safe and warm!

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