Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ups and downs.


Three months ago, my trusty ol' Macbook (that I've had for almost 6 years... *tear*) decided it was time to go to Apple heaven. Left with only my iPad, it was difficult to keep up with my oh-so-important social networking AND blogging. Nevertheless, I am back in action...just in time to update on life's happenings.

My niece, Adleigh, was born May 31st, 2011 at a whopping 9 pounds, 6 ounces! My mom and I got the opportunity to be in the delivery room and I have to say - it was, BY FAR, the most amazing thing I've experienced to date. Being her aunt is already so much fun, and my parents are having a blast spoiling her rotten. One thing is for sure though: Adleigh has certainly cured my 'baby fever'! I knew babies were hard work but...holy moly! Tyler and I both agree, we're juuuust fine being the loving aunt and uncle for a while...a long while! :)

As for college, I changed my major...again. It's been a long, angst-filled road but I finally feel like I'm on the path I need to be. Let me just say, PtL for amazingly supportive husbands. Tyler has been such a trooper through my constant self-doubt...and when I threw my 'poor me pity parties' he refused to attend, lol. To be honest, I am still unsure of where my career path will take me, but I do know that it's entirely in His hands...and really, what else is there to know?

Married life is just as great as ever! Tyler and the rest of Team Oklahoma will be competing in the 'State Wars' hockey tournament in Cincinnati, OH next week... which happens to land on our 6th month wedding anniversary! So myself, Tyler, my brother-in-law, and his girlfriend will be piling in the car for a mini-vacation for a few days. Granted, it's not Cancun but we are still grateful for the chance to get away and have a little fun outside of Oklahoma!

On a super mushy-gooshy note...we are just stinkin' blessed - for lack of better wording! It's such a wonderful feeling, living every day with my best friend by my side, filled with the love of our families and friends. That's not saying that we don't have our ups and downs, but getting through those 'downs' make the 'ups' so, so worth it.

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