Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Friday, April 15, 2011

All aboard the Grown Up Express!

What to blog, what to blog... to be honest, the biggest reason I don't update more often is because I can never decide on just one thing to share. Every day seems to bring a new dynamic to my/our lives - but I'm definitely not complaining.

Random thought: I suspect there must be some strange time warp that engages when you get married. Tyler and I are creeping up on our three month anniversary of being married. THREE MONTHS! It cracks me up that three months when we were engaged may as well have been three years. But three months as newlyweds... truly a blink of an eye! Not long ago, Tyler's company asked him to go to Branson to work for about 5 days - that was a really rough week for us! I was surprised at how empty my days felt knowing I wasn't going to see him when I got home. During that week, I gained a tremendous amount of respect for those who are married to deployed men/women and have to go long periods of time without seeing them. It was truly a test for us both, and a nice reminder how blessed we are to be able to see and speak to each other daily.

In other news, Kendall - my sister - is about 5 weeks from her due date! A name has finally been decided, which has made it that much more exciting: Adleigh Grace Huerta. We are all so anxious to meet her... and let's face it, excited to spoil her rotten.

I keep having these random "whoa moments". Moments where reality suddenly hits how much things have changed/are still changing... and it's exciting and scary and overwhelming and awesome. Actually, this may be that 'growing up' thing my parents always talked about...and I have to say, I don't hate it. :)

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