Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Let me start this off by admitting that my older sister Kendall and I weren't always the best of friends. However, I like to think our relationship when we were younger was relatively normal. It was filled with huge, dramatic fights about stealing one anothers clothes and/or jewelry, constant bickering, ect. The only reason I look back on those times with a smile is because our relationship could not be any more different today.

I was on my way home from work a few days ago, when I suddenly had an urge to see my sister. What started out as a quick visit turned into us sitting there talking about anything and everything. She showed me her most recent ultrasound pictures, I talked about the wedding plans, and we just chatted and laughed and enjoyed each others company for almost three hours. Soon after, my brother in law came home from work and joined in. Needless to say, I left their house with a heart full of love and a huge smile on my face. I am so happy that she and I made it through our silly teenage phase of hating each other for ridiculous reasons, and now we get to share the joys and trials of being adults (and wives!) together. She is an incredible person, amazing wife, and will soon be a terrific mother. This blog has no particular point, I just felt compelled to write about how much I love my dear sister. :)

In other news...as of today, we are down to the double digits! The wedding is 99 days away. Eeks! The invitations came in yesterday, which was more exciting than I thought it'd be. It's a little shocking to see our names on nice paper with fancy lettering! Also, we are about a month away from starting major renovations on our future house. It currently has tenants living in it until December 1st, but after they move out there will be installation of new cabinets, new carpet, new paint, an alarm system, new windows/doors, and ton of other things. We are so blessed that my parents (who own the house) are willing to go to such great lengths to make sure that our house is not just livable, but really nice!

I don't think I'll ever be able to fully express how grateful I am for all that everyone in my life does for not just me, but me AND the person I've chosen to spend the rest of my life with.

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