Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

48 hour cleanse: UPDATE

Lately, several people have inquired about how my full body cleanse went. After I got over the shock that someone (other than Tyler) actually reads this, I agreed that I should do an update - even though the results were less than I had hoped for.

Quite simply, the cleanse was rough. The way it works is you drink two tablespoons of the mixture with 8 ounces of water, 8 times a day for 48 hours. You are allowed as much water as you want, but only handful sized portions of fruit or vegetables. No alcohol, no caffeine, ect. Just as I suspected, the no caffeine part is what did me in. Big headache, sluggish/foggy mind feeling, tired as heck...all the classic symptoms of a caffeine withdrawal - definitely not convenient when you're trying to take a History test! Unfortunately, I didn't feel like the cleanse was accomplishing a whole lot aside from making me go to the bathroom a record setting amount - undoubtedly because I was drinking so much water! And despite my handfuls of fruit and veggies, there were several moments where I was certain I was dying of starvation.

In the end, my 48 hour cleanse ended up being more like a 27 hour cleanse. I finally broke down the following morning and ate breakfast and drank some coffee. It was sweet relief for not only my starving belly, but for those around me who were tired of listening to my whining. Sorry, Ty! You're such a trooper!

I'm glad I tried the cleanse, but it's definitely not for me. Our bodies need constant nourishment, not 2 gallons of water and a handful of baby carrots. :)

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