Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Friday, December 3, 2010

SNEAK PEEK - Operation Love Nest Overhaul

Consider this an official retraction regarding my first post about our poor, dilapidated little house. Things are moving along faster than I thought; it is already so easy to see the house's potential even with the few changes that have been made.

Earlier this week, Tyler and I had the pleasure of getting up at 5:30 AM, packing on layers of old work clothes, and setting out to the house to remove the piles and piles (and PILES) of junk that has accumulated in the backyard over the last, oh...10 years or so. Let me tell you one thing: you haven't started off a day right until you've risen before the sun in 28 degree weather and hauled old, moldy mattresses into a dumpster! :P

It was an instantly gratifying experience because not only were we able to see the improvement right away, but WE were the ones that did the work - along with the help of our friend, Coty. Several giddy hugs and kisses were shared, pictures were taken, and we discussed how badly we can't wait to move in for about the millionth time.

Because I'm extremely anxious to share pictures, I'll leave you with a few 'sneak peek' photos of our endeavors that extremely cold, early morning:

The boys sharing a victory dance in the dumpster - yes, we filled that entire thing...twice.

My sweet husband-to-be showing off our hard work!

1 comment:

  1. u make a chore sound like so much fun
    well done :)
