Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cleanse or crazy?

A little known fact about me: I recently lost a little over 20 lbs over the summer. I was unhappy with a few areas of my body, so I started really watching what I ate and worked out about 6 days a week - the weight just fell right off! Then Tyler and I went on our fantastic vacation to Cancun, Mexico (where we got engaged!) and the rest is history. As soon as we returned I started school full time in addition to working full time. Life got hectic, my free time became scarce, and admittedly, I got lazy.

Luckily, I haven't gained any of the weight back despite my less than perfect eating habits the last couple of months. I do, however, feel really tired and sluggish all the time no matter how much sleep I get. I'm taking this as a sign from my body; time to get off my booty, get back into a regular work out routine, and eat healthier again. To jump-start my diet and workout program, I decided to try a 'total body cleanse.' This will be my first cleanse, so I did quite a bit of research. The one I chose promotes good digestive health, gets rid of toxins that break out skin and slow kidney and liver function, and allows the intestines to absorb nutrients more effectively.

The cleanse I purchased can be done in 48 hours or spread out over 4 days. I'm a little hesitant, due to the fact that you can't eat anything besides handful sized portions of fruits or veggies during the cleanse, in addition to lots and lots of water. And, most notably, NO caffeine. Yikes!

Despite my reluctance, I know I have the strength to complete this process. Most of all, I'm excited to blog about my first 'total body cleanse' experience - hopefully it's a good one!

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