Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2011...bring it on!

Starting a new year is always exciting! It's a fun time to reflect on the last 12 months...to think about the things you did, wish you did, or want to do in the upcoming year. For me, I always think about how much things have changed. In 2010, I:

-went back to college (and am now set to graduate in about 2 years! Yay!)
-went to Las Vegas to celebrate Tyler and I's 25th and 22nd birthdays
-traveled to Cancun, Mexico and had the time of my life with Tyler and my 2nd family
-got engaged and planned what is sure to be an amazing wedding
- found out I am going to be an aunt in 2011!
-experienced the birth of a dear friend's first child and watched her become an incredible mother
-got a new job
-shed 25 pounds
-lost my dear Grandma Cochran, and celebrated her long, happy life

Those are the 'major' events of 2010, although there are several not so major events that changed my life as well. Life is such a crazy mix of twists and turns, it's hard to imagine what 2011 will hold. The possibilities are endless! In 2011 I WANT to:

-Marry Tyler, move into our house, and settle into our new life together
-Be there for the birth of my sweet little niece/nephew, hold him/her in my arms, love him/her more than any baby I've ever loved before, and spoil him/her rotten
-Find out the sex of my niece/nephew so I can quit referring to 'it' as 'him/her' ;)
-Make all A's each semester, or at least know that I gave it my absolute best effort
-Run a 5k/avoid the dreaded 'Newlywed Nine'
-Find the right church for us, and get plugged in
-Learn to cook for my poor husband!
-Learn to bake goodies for my husband...okay, for me too!

Suffice to say, I've got quite the year coming up! I'm sure I'll accomplish some of those goals, and some I won't. I'm sure there will be new ones added as I go, and as priorities and life changes, so will my goals. Either way, the only thing I'm 100% positive on is this: there is no better way to start a new year than marrying the love of my life.

Happy New Year everyone! :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sixty days 'til I do...


Obviously, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my wedding is only 60 short days away. What in the world has happened since August? How it is ALREADY December?! For the last four months, everyone has been telling me, "Enjoy this time, it goes by so fast." To which I always smile and nod politely, but secretly think to myself, "Yeah, RIGHT. Not fast enough!"

But, in all seriousness, I really have enjoyed these last four months of precious moments - after all, that's why I created this blog, so I can look back and remember this time in my life. Which I think I will appreciate, because right now everything is just a giant bridal blur.

In other wedding news, I dropped a 1,000 pound elephant off at the post office on Monday AKA wedding invitations! Aside from gathering the addresses of a handful of my friends and Tyler's family, I give 100% of the credit to my dear mother. God bless her address-writing, envelope-stuffing soul. :)

Operation Love Nest Overhaul has reached a hairy point, to say the least. All of the fluff and cosmetic loveliness has been completed to the outside of the house, and now we are getting down to both the extensive AND expensive renovations on the inside. Walls are coming down, plumbing is being ripped apart, and thus, more *ahem* 'complications' are arising. Have I mentioned how much I love my parents for doing this for us? On a more positive note, Tyler and I have met almost all of our soon-to-be neighbors! The verdict? Super friendly, seemingly normal people...hooray!

Oh, and Christmas is next week?! Craziness. Absolute craziness.

My most recent Google search: 'likeliness of dying from stress'.

Friday, December 3, 2010

SNEAK PEEK - Operation Love Nest Overhaul

Consider this an official retraction regarding my first post about our poor, dilapidated little house. Things are moving along faster than I thought; it is already so easy to see the house's potential even with the few changes that have been made.

Earlier this week, Tyler and I had the pleasure of getting up at 5:30 AM, packing on layers of old work clothes, and setting out to the house to remove the piles and piles (and PILES) of junk that has accumulated in the backyard over the last, oh...10 years or so. Let me tell you one thing: you haven't started off a day right until you've risen before the sun in 28 degree weather and hauled old, moldy mattresses into a dumpster! :P

It was an instantly gratifying experience because not only were we able to see the improvement right away, but WE were the ones that did the work - along with the help of our friend, Coty. Several giddy hugs and kisses were shared, pictures were taken, and we discussed how badly we can't wait to move in for about the millionth time.

Because I'm extremely anxious to share pictures, I'll leave you with a few 'sneak peek' photos of our endeavors that extremely cold, early morning:

The boys sharing a victory dance in the dumpster - yes, we filled that entire thing...twice.

My sweet husband-to-be showing off our hard work!