Words to live by:

Live with intention. Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. Play with abandon. Laugh. Choose with no regret. Appreciate your friends. Continue to learn. Do what you love. Live as if this is all there is.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm having a pity party - and you're invited!

It's been no secret - well, not to me or my husband, at least - that lately I've been in a funk.

While I try my hardest to keep this blog generally light-hearted and upbeat, I have to break that mold for one post. I know that nobody likes to read the "poor, pitiful me" blogs or Facebook status updates - myself included! But, please bare with me while I throw myself a small pity party, so hopefully I can move on from this.


What is 'it', you ask? Life! Plans. College... why does it seem like everyone was handed the blueprints of how their lives were supposed to go, while I'm stuck trying to figure it out for myself? Normally, I would never be this concerned about what others are doing but it's somewhat impossible to notice at this point. From technical school programs, missionary work, Bachelors degrees, and graduate school... a lot of my friends/acquaintances have found their calling. Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for them! So happy, and so very envious.

I have the motivation. I have the drive to do something amazing with my life and also love what I do...I just have no clue what that 'something' is, and it's starting to take a toll on me. I feel hopeless, and depressed... and mainly, a failure.

Amidst all of this negativity, the only things that keep me going are my wonderfully loving family, my supportive husband, and the fact that none of this is actually up to ME. It's all in His hands. He knows my way, and I have to trust that - even though it's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Okay, pity party over. :P

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Newlywed 9

The dreaded 'newlywed 9'... even if you're not married, I'm sure you're familiar with it. Essentially, it's pointless weight gain resulting from being newly married, happy, and most likely extremely busy adjusting to a new married life - whatever that may entail!

Tyler and I are creeping up on almost 1 month of marriage (crazy!), and I have to admit: we are already experiencing this phenomenon first hand. This is not at all what I expected! We are eating out more now than we ever have when we dated, be it fast food or actually going to a restaurant. After a long day of class and work, the thought of going to the grocery store and then actually COOKING the food is absolutely out of the question. Now, the food that used to make my stomach turn at just the thought of it, is much faster and easier and thus, way more appealing. Also, all of the leftover candy from the candy buffet at the wedding isn't helping matters either - I am legitimately addicted to giant pixy sticks now. I realized things were REALLY bad when I couldn't stop craving and thinking about oreos dipped in peanut butter in the middle of Macroeconomics. Terrible, terrible, terrible!

However, my breaking point was yesterday while getting ready for work. A pair of pants that were almost 4 sizes too big for me last summer zipped up and fit me perfectly - oh hello there, reality check!

I am stopping this madness. Time to make eating healthier and exercising a priority...before the newlywed 9 turns into the newlywed 90. Operation Married-But-Still-Want-To-Look-And-Feel-Good begins...today! :)